Case Studies, Testimonials, Stories from the Field

Category: News
October 1, 2020 cosmick
Two of the tools that help Hydra-Tech Pumps spread the word about how our pumps, hydraulic power units, and complete systems solve problems are case studies and testimonials. Most people know that you can drop a submersible pump into a body of water and pump from it. What kinds of non-typical pumping challenges do we help our customers solve with our products? We would love to hear your answer to this question.
At this point in time we do not have an extensive collection of case studies / testimonials but we are working on developing an arsenal with your help. We don’t often get the opportunity to get into the field with our customers and our pumps so we rely on you to help us with developing case studies and providing testimonials. At some point in the future we hope to put a new tab on our website that would offer both case studies and some testimonial quotes for our visitors to read. If we do this we would like to include your name, company information (and website if you would like). We can also write it generically about “a customer who faced this challenge and came to Hydra-Tech” or credit a testimonial to “an (excavation company / septic hauler / directional driller / marine salvage company) in the northeast”, although the whole point of a testimonial is to credit a person and a company who are known in the industry.
The video below was supplied by a good friend and customer who wishes to remain anonymous. When someone offers to take the time and make the effort to put together a video showcasing an S6VAL pump working hard, you share it – enjoy!

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