What does CPB mean in the pump world?

Category: News
December 6, 2016 cosmick

While not tasty like Chocolate Peanut Butter candy, viewed by millions like the Corporation for Public Broadcasting or listed on the New York Stock Exchange like “CPB”, The Campbell’s Soup Company, the “CPB” all pump choosers and users should know about is the Contractor’s Pump Bureau.

Around since 1938, the CPB, now part of the Association of Equipment Manufacturer’s (AEM), provides practical, technical and market information available to any person interested in making the most appropriate pump selection when faced with moving a fluid from point A to B.

The mission statement of the CPB:

The Contractors’ Pump Bureau promotes matters of mutual interest to pump users, manufacturers and major parts and component suppliers.

More specifically, the CPB’s work product includes agreed upon standards for pump equipment operational safety, explicit methods for noise level testing of pumping systems, a Pump Selection Guidebook and exacting guidelines for the consistent and accurate representation of pump performance curves.

In addition, the members meet twice per year to discuss regulations, trends and other factors which impact all participating companies. The body of members go beyond pump companies and include other manufacturers that supply ancillary equipment like controls and engines to a long list of reputable pump companies. With insights coming from varied inputs, including the politically in tune AEM, the informational exchange serves to broaden the knowledge base of all parties.

As the CPB nears its 80th year of existence, plans are in the works to spread the news and grow the membership. CPB member representation at the upcoming ConExpo 2017 will be strong, and the active member companies plan to fly the CPB logo in their respective booths while taking the opportunity to invite any and all interested parties to attend two informational sessions at the show being held at the Las Vegas Convention Center from March 7-10, 2017.

For a full list of members, and to inquire about joining both AEM and CPB, follow the link below.


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